The Seven Styles book can change your career and your life!
The Seven Styles book focuses on the seven strategies for lead generation in real estate. Inside, you’ll discover if your natural “Style” is as a Hunter, Farmer, Networker, Lifestyle, Expert, Hyperlocalist or Billboard. This essential business building concept will help you focus on the right lead generation strategy for you, and it will be the foundational element that will influence everything else in your business. You’ll quickly recognize which would be your best lead generation activities, how to create your marketing campaigns and how to develop your web assets to promote your business in a powerful and effective way.
Top producing Agents always understand their “Style” and that was the inspiration for this book. These top producers focus on building their own unique businesses, and they are not distracted by the latest fad in the industry. For many of them, it took years of trial and error to discover thier natural “Style”. This book will help you quickly discover your “Style”, or it will validate what you are doing now and help you create that laser focus for your business efforts.
All of the Seven “Styles” work, and this book will help you match your lead generation “Style” to your natural personality and attributes. Readers report gaining great insight into how to build the right career for them, and find liberation in having a clear vision of what they should be doing to succeed in real estate, and what they can stop worrying about that they aren’t doing!
The book reviews each of the Seven lead generation systems in detail, and the appropriate business plan concepts. Readers can immediately begin crafting an effective Business Plan for their chosen strategy, and they can take charge of their careers in an entirely new way. The book also includes 15 Interviews with Agents across the US who are living and working with these strategies and succeeding at high levels.
The “Seven Styles” book is a national best seller, and has quietly become a cult classic in the real estate industry. The timeless business building concepts inside are essential whenever the real estate market shifts and Agents need to re-think thier business. Buyer and Seller markets often dictate which lead generation strategies will work best in that market, and long term success in real estate often requires Agents to adapt thier business for success in any market. For example, Buyer’s markets will enable “Expert” strategies working with investors and first time home buyers to be successful, while a Seller’s market is a great time to build a relational database with the Farmer, Networker or Lifestyle strategies, or to be a Hyperlocalist and focus on acquiring listings in a specific neighborhood. Understanding how to adapt to a changing market can mean the difference between thriving in a changing market or struggling to stay in the industry. With this book, you’ll be prepared to shift and succeed whenever the market changes. To learn more about the seven “Styles”, click HERE.
This book will change the way you look at how to succeed in real estate, and will reveal how you can build a powerful and satisfying career based on who you are as a person. Read it and discover the career that’s perfect for you, and build a business of Power, Purpose and Profit!
Find Your “Style”, Build Your Business!
Get this book. It changes everything.

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“Maybe the Best Realtor Book Ever!”
“Bruce Gardner has a book called “Seven Styles. How to Design Your Real Estate Career of Success and Significance”. I truly believe this could be the best book for Realtors looking for greater success in their career and life. Why? Often, agents are only told about 1 or 2 strategies by their managing broker because that is what worked for them. Bruce has uncovered 7 different styles of success for agents based on your personality, your lifestyle, and current market conditions. In other words, his strategies are designed around YOU and the market! I believe you will find much more success if you read his book and enlist his help for your career.”
Lonnie Glessner, Certified Mortgage Planning Specialist
Nova Home Loans, Littleton, CO